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Research Paper (NAAS rating >7.0)


Kaur P, Randhawa S K, Duhan A and Bhullar M S (2017) Influence of long-term application of butachlor on its dissipation and harvest residues in soil and rice. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 98(6): 874-80. (NAAS rating=7.19)

Kaur H, Kaur Navneet, Gill R I S, Bhullar M S and Singh A (2017) Weed management in Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoids Bartr.) nursery plantation. Weed Technology (NAAS rating 7.49)

Singh Manpreet, Bhullar M S and Chauhan B S (2017) Relative time of weed and crop emergence is crucial for managing weed seed production: A study under an aerobic rice system. Crop Protection 99: 33-38. (NAAS rating 7.65).

Yadav V, Kaur P and Kaur P (2017) Effect of light conditions and chemical characteristics of water on dissipation of glyphosate in aqueous medium. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment189 (12):613. (NAAS rating =7.68).

Kaur P, Makkar A, Kaur P and Shilpa (2017) Temperature dependent adsorption-desorption behavior of pendimethalin in Punjab soils. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicologydoi: 10.1007/s00128-017-2235-y [NAAS rating =7.19].

Kaur P and Bhullar M S (2017) Effect of repeated application of pendimethalin on its persistence and dissipation kinetics in soil under field and laboratory conditions. Environment Technology doi: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1415378 [NAAS rating =7.65].

Sinha I, Buttar G S and Brar A S (2017) Drip irrigation and fertigation improve economics, water and energy productivity of spring sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Indian Punjab. Agricultural Water Management 185: 58-64. (NAAS Rating 8.85)

Sahoo P, Brar A S and Sharma S (2018) Effect of methods of irrigation and sulphur nutrition on seed yield, economic and bio-physical water productivity of two sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids. Agricultural Water Management 206: 158-164. (NAAS Rating 8.85)

Singh G, Kaur, G, Williard K, Schoonover J and Kang J (2017). Monitoring of water and solute transport in the vadose zone: A Review. Vadose Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2016.07.0058 (NAAS rating: 7.77).


Kaur P and Kaur P (2018) Time and temperature dependent adsorption-desorption behaviour of pretilachlor in soil. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 161: 145-155. (NAAS rating 9.97)

H Kaur and P Kaur (2018) Effect of soil, type, moisture and temperature on dissipation of penoxsulam in soil under laboratory conditions Bull Environ ContamToxicol 101: 803-09. (NAAS rating 7.19)

Kalsia, NK and Kaur, P (2019) Dissipation of bispyribac-sodium in aridisols: Impact of soil type, moisture and temperature. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 170: 375–382. (NAAS rating 9.97)

Manpreet Singh, MS Bhullar and G Gill (2018) Integrated wed management in dry seeded rice using stale seed bed and post sowing herbicides. Field Crops Res 224:182-191. (NAAS score 9.05)

Singh, K., Brar, A. S. and Singh, H. P. (2018). Drip fertigation improves water and nitrogen use efficiency in Bt cotton. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73: 549-557. (NAAS rating: 8.23)


Kaur P, Kaur P and Kaur K. 2020. Adsorptive removal of imazethapyr and imazamox from aqueous solution using modified rice husk. Journal of Cleaner Production 224: 118699. (NAAS Rating 12.39)

Kaur P and Kaur P. β-cyclodextrin grafted chitosan for the removal of imazethapyr and imazamox from soils. Science of the Total Environment. In Press (NAAS Rating 11.59) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135659

Makkar A, Kaur P, Kaur P and Bhullar MS. 2019. Dissipation of pendimethalin in soil under direct seeded and transplanted rice field. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. In press (NAAS Rating 7.48) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-019-02767-y

Kaur T, Bhullar MS and Kaur S. 2019. Weed control in Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton with pre mix of pyrithiobac sodium plus quizalofop ethyl in north-west India. Crop Protection 119:69-75 (NAAS rating: 8.17)

Kaur T, Kaur S and Bhullar MS. 2019. Management of grass weeds with quizalofop in soybean {Glycine max (L.) Merill}. Phytoparasitica47(1): 155-162 (NAAS rating: 7.01)

Tarundeep Kaur, Makhan S Bhullar and Simerjeet Kaur. 2019. Weed control in Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton with pre mix of pyrithiobac sodium plus quizalofop ethyl in north-west India. Crop Protection 119:69-75 (NAAS rating: 7.92)

Gupta R K, Hussain A, Singh Y, Sooch S S, Kang J S, Sharma S, and Dheri GS (2019) Rice straw biochar improves soil fertility, growth, and yield of rice–wheat system on a sandy loam soil. Experimental Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1017/ S0014479719000218 (NAAS rating: 8.09)


Sharma N, Kaur P, Jain D and Bhullar MS (2020) In-vitro evaluation of rice straw biochars’ effect on bispyribac sodium dissipation and microbial activity in soil. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf191:110204 (NAAS 10.87)

Kaur P, Kaur H and Bhullar MS (2020) Influence of organic amendments on dissipation and leaching potential of penoxsulam under laboratory conditions. Int J Environ Anal Chem DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03067319.2020.1748611(NAAS 7.43)

Kaur P, Kaur P, Kaur N, Jain D, Singh K and Bhullar MS (2020) Dissipation and phytotoxicity of imazethapyr and imazamox in soils amended with β-cyclodextrin-chitosan biocomposite. Sci Total Environ 735:139566. (NAAS 11.59)

Kaur, N., Vashist, K.K., and Brar, A.S.(2021). Energy and productivity analysis of maize-based crop sequences compared to rice-wheat system under different moisture regimes. Energy, 216, pp119286. doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.119286. (NAAS rating 11.54)

Kumar, D.S., Sharma, R., and Brar, A.S. (2021). Optimising drip irrigation and fertigation schedules for higher crop and water productivity of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Irrigation Science, 1-14. (NAAS rating 9.01)

Singh, K., Brar, A.S., and Mishra, S.K. (2021). Improvement in productivity and profitability of sugarcane through drip fertigation in north Indian conditions. Sugar Tech, 23: 536-545. (NAAS rating 7.02)

Brar, A.S., Buttar, G. S., Singh, M., Singh, S., andVashist, K. K. (2021). Improving bio-physical and economic water productivity of menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.) through drip fertigation. Irrigation Science39: 505-516.(NAAS rating 8.44)

Kaur, R., Kaur, S., Deol, J. S., Sharma, R., Kaur, T., Brar, A. S. and Choudhary, O. P. (2021). Soil properties and weed dynamics in wheat as affected byrice residue management in the rice-wheat cropping system in South Asia: A review. Plants10: 953.(NAAS rating 8.44)


Kaur H and Kaur P (2021) Comparison of extraction procedures for the determination of mesosulfuron methyl and iodosulfuron methyl sodium from soil and wheat using Response surface methodology. Microchemical J 168: 106456(NAAS= 9.59).

Hasam H, Kaur S, Kaur H, Kaur N, Kaur T, Aulakh C S and Bhullar M S (2021). Weed management using tillage, seed rate and bed planting in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) under an organic agriculture system. Archives of Agronomy and Soil SciDOI: 10.1080/03650340.2021.1946041. (NAAS = 8.14).

Saini A, Kaur P, Singh K and Bhullar M S (2021) Influence of soil properties, temperature and pH on adsorption desorption of imazamox in Indian aridisols. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Sci.10.1080/03650340.2021.1925652. (NAAS= 8.14).

Kaur L and Kaur P (2021) Degradation of imazethapyr in soil: Impact of application rate, soil physicochemical properties and temperature. Int J Environ Sci Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-021-03137-0.(NAAS= 8.54).

Kaur T and Bhullar MS (2021) Field evaluation of fluorochloridone for broad-spectrum weed control in carrot (Dacuscarota L.) in north-west India. Intl J Pest Management DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2021.1875151 (NAAS = 7.09).

Kaur P, Gupta S, Kaur K, Kaur N, Kumar R and Bhullar MS (2021) Nanoemulsion of Foeniculum vulgare essential oil: A propitious striver against weeds of Triticum aestivum. Industrial Crops and Products 168. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113601. (NAAS = 10.24).

Kaur P, Shilpa, Kaur H and Bhullar MS (2021) Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies on Adsorption of Penoxsulam in Punjab Soils. Soil Contamination. DOI: 10.1080/15320383.2021.1992608. (NAAS=7.25).

Kaur P, Kaur H, Kalsi N and Bhullar MS (2021). Evaluation of leaching potential of penoxsulam and bispyribac sodium in Punjab soils under laboratory conditions. Intl J Environ Analytical Chemistry.DOI:10.1080/03067319.2021.1970148. (NAAS=7.43).

Dhaliwal S S, Sharma S, Shukla A K, Sharma V, Bhullar M S, Kaur T, Alorabi M, Alotaibi S S, Gaber A and Hossain A 2021. Removal of biomass and nutrients by weeds and direct-seeded rice under conservation agriculture in light-textured soils of North-Western India. Plants 10 (11), 2431 https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10112431 (NAAS= 9.39).

Liu C, Bhullar M S, Kaur T, Kumar J, Reddy S R S, Singh M, Kaundun S S. 2021. Modelling the effect and variability of integrated weed management of Phalaris minor in rice-wheat cropping systems in northern India. Agronomy 11, 2331. https://doi.org/10.3390/ agronomy 1111233.(NAAS= 8.60).

Kaur T and Bhullar M S (2021) Field evaluation of fluorochloridone for broad-spectrum weed control in carrot (Dacus carota L.) in north-west India. International Journal of Pest Management DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2021.1875151 (NAAS rating: 7.09)

Chaudhary A, Chhokar RS, Dhanda S, Kaushik P, Kaur S, Poonia TM, Khedwal RS, Kumar
S, Punia SS (2021) Herbicide resistance to metsulfuron-methyl in Rumex dentatus L. in north-west india and its management perspectives for sustainable wheat production. Sustainability 13, 6947.
(NAAS: 8.58)

Kaur R, Kaur S, Deol JS, Sharma R, Kaur T, Brar AS and Choudhary OP (2021) Soil properties and weed dynamics in wheat as affected by rice residue management in the rice–wheat cropping system in South Asia: A Review. Plants 2021, 10, 953. https://doi.org/10.3390/ plants100509. (NAAS rating: 8.76)

Salwinder Singh Dhaliwal, Sandeep Sharma, Arvind Kumar Shukla, Vivek Sharma, Makhan Singh Bhullar,Tarundeep Kaur Dhaliwal, Mohammed Alorabi,Saqer S. Alotaibi, Ahmed Gaber and Akbar Hossain 2021. Removal of biomass and nutrients by weeds and direct-seeded rice under conservation agriculture in light-textured soils of North-Western India. Plants 10 (11), 2431 https://doi.org/10.3390/plants1011243 (NAAS rating: 9.39)

Liu C, Bhullar MS, Kaur T, Kumar J, Reddy SRS, Singh M, Kaundun SS (2021) Modelling the effect and variability of integrated weed management of Phalaris minor in rice-wheat cropping systems in northern India. Agronomy 11, 2331. https://doi.org/10.3390/ agronomy11112331 (NAAS rating: 8. 60)

Shafiq M and Kaur S (2021) Weed control using paddy straw mulch in integration with herbicides in autumn potato in north-west India. Potato Research.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11540-021-09504-1 (NAAS rating: 6.93)

Kaur L, Kaur A and Brar A S (2021) Water use efficiency of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) impacted by paddy straw mulch and irrigation regimes in north-western India. Agricultural Water Management 258: 107184 (NAAS rating 10.02)

Dar E A, Brar A S, Dar S A, Bandar S A, Ahmed M El-S, Rizwan R, Zahoor A S, Yousuf A, Bhat A., Mushtaq A, Fayaz A. B., Hesham El E, Marian B., Maria B., M. Z., Shahid F. and Ansari M. J. (2021) Quantitative response of wheat to sowing dates and irrigation regimes using CERES-Wheat model. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28: 6198-6208 (NAAS rating 8.80)

Singh K, Rathore P, Brar AS and Mishra SK (2021) Drip fertigation improves seed cotton yield, water productivity and profitability of cotton raised under high density planting system in semi-arid environment. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 33: 781-793 (NAAS rating 7.01)

Singh K, Pal R, Chalotra N and Brar A S (2022) Water productivity of sugarcane influenced by planting techniques, mulching and irrigation scheduling in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Sugar Tech 24: 408-418 (NAAS rating 7.59)

Brar AS, Kaur K, Sindhu VK, Tsolakis N and Srai J S (2022) Sustainable Water Use through Multiple Cropping Systems and Precision Irrigation. Journal of Cleaner Production 333: 130117. (NAAS rating 15.3)

Singh K, Mishra SK, Singh M, Singh K and Brar A S (2022) Water footprint assessment of surface and subsurface drip fertigated cotton-wheat cropping system – A case study under semi-arid environments of Indian Punjab. Journal of Cleaner Production 365: 132735 (NAAS rating 15.3)

Johal N, Batish D, Pal A, Chandel S and Pal M (2022) Investigating the effects of 2850 MHz electromagnetic field radiations on the growth, germination and antioxidative defense system of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seedlings. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (Accepted) (NAAS-7.48).

Dhanda S, Kaur S, Chaudhary A, Jugulam M, Hunjan MS, Sangha MK and Bhullar MS (2022) Characterization and management of metsulfuron-resistant Rumex dentatus biotypes in Northwest India. Agronomy Journal 114: 366-378. (NAAS rating: 8.24)

Kaur S, Dhanda S, Yadav A, Sagwal P, Yadav DB and Chauhan BS (2022) Current status of herbicide-resistant weeds and their management in the rice-wheat cropping system of South Asia. Advances in Agronomy. 172: 307-354. (NA AS raing: 12.92)

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